“In the WaSH sector, JDPC Maiduguri reaches out to beneficiaries through hygiene promotion messages, focus group discussions, child sessions, distribution of kits(female hygiene kits, LCC kits, ECC kits, EVM kits, shelter kits, motivation kits, DRR kits, cholera kits), sanitation activities, shelter constructions, building repairs, latrine and shower constructions, latrine and shower rehabilitations, dumpsite fencing, latrine desludging and decommissioning, solarized boreholes drill, reticulation and rehabilitation, water point upgrades, and water chlorination.
In the WaSH sector, JDPC Maiduguri was able to implement the construction, reticulation and rehabilitation of 57 boreholes, 1,892 showers, 1,006 open wells, and 1,915 “