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PROJECT NAME: UNICEF Nutrition Project

TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Promotion of Increased Awareness on Optimal Nutrition and Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) among the Infant and Young Children in North-East Nigeria.

DONOR: UNICEF through Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria (CCFN)

LOCATION: The scope of the project was made to cover 35 communities in five local Government area of both Borno and Adamawa States.

TARGET: The project is aimed at targeting 3000 SAM cases, 7000 MAM cases, formation of 100 Support groups, conduct food demonstration using their locally available grains (80 times) and conducting IYCF sensitization to the communities.

STAFF: One Program Manager, Nutrition Officer, Nursing Officer and Data Entry Assistant (in each of the LGA), other casual staff include: CHEWs and CMs.

DURATION: The project started by October 2017 to October 2018

KEY ACHIEVEMENT:  The aforementioned targets was met as the CHEWs and CMs went house to house in a remote location to screened the most vulnerable, where there was no basic health and other facilities. The beauty of the project was that, we operate on a mobile OTPs i.e taking the services to our beneficiaries door step to ensure full compliances, is also integrated with IYCF counselling sessions and whereby many mothers from these communities benefit from.

CMs conducting Sensitization using the IYCF counseling card


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SUCCESS STORY: Around the time of admission, Fatima Ali a single mother of 18 month old Adamu Ali became very devastated as her child got sick. As time went by his condition continued deteriorating. One day as the community based worker, Yusuf Bello, assigned in their area was doing house to house screening and community mobilization, he found very weak Aisha who was severely malnourished. He immediately referred her to the OTP site. Fatima her mother was very happy that she got someone who assisted her. She was admitted on 16/11/2017 according to anthropometric measurement which was Weight (5.8kg), Height (65.5cm), MUAC (8.6 cm), which indicated the child was severely malnourished.

Adamu is identified as SAM

During his stay in the program, he was receiving RUTF which quickened his recovery and the CMs used to do follow ups to educate the mother on the importance of RUTF and also to encourage on proper care practices. The child was discharged after two months from the program with MUAC (11.8 cm), Weight (6.3kg), Height (65.5cm). After he was discharged from the OTP, he was referred to the SFP site immediately. The happiness from the mother was priceless when she was told that her child had fully recovered.

Adamu Taking RUTF at the OTP Centre

‘Am forever grateful for the existence of such services to help our children. I never thought my child would recover this soon,’ Says Mother Fatima Ali. Indeed a smile from such mothers is what we all tirelessly work for!!! The good people of Askira East with the help of donors has been fighting constantly against malnutrition for the past years. From the onset of the project, funding and support for implementation has been provided to the affected communities and NGOs by UNICEF in partnership with Caritas Nigeria/JDPC Maiduguri. It’s UNICEF and the Mother’s dream is to see such children grow healthy in all the milestones they go through.

Success Story on SAM case 2: Aisha Hassan was screened to be Severely Acute Malnourished with the MUAC record of 9.9 cm and a weight of 6.1 kg. Aisha’s mother Maryam Hassan was full of joy knowing that her dark moment has come to light when Esther Bitrus a CMs from Pama community in Hawul LGA screened and identified Aisha as a SAM child and quickly referred to the mobile OTP Centre.

Aisha before treatment

The joy of mother is to see her child strong and healthy as mother Maryam sees and monitor the process of healing of her child Aisha. Aisha was discharged after 9 weeks with a MUAC of (12.1 cm). She was full of thanks and offering prayers to the organizations that helped her child to recovered.

Treatment in progress (week 2)

Strengthening access to Basic Nutrition Services, Local Governance and Resilience for improved service delivery and community based public health interventions benefiting children and families in North-East Nigeria is key to securing the future of the young ones.


A beneficiary with the name Falmata Modu gave her feedback on Positive impact of the Project. Falmata Modu in her interview said it has been so difficult for her Family to have access to food for the past few years particularly during the peak of the insurgency, as the only income and source of food  they have is through farming but could not have access to farmland due to the security challenges. Falmata Modu has 8 children among them are 3 boys and 5 girls with her husband making 10 of them in the family. More so, the beneficiary said that her family usually have one meal in a day which is between 2 – 4 pm and it’s mostly towon gero (Millet) with their local soup after which 2 of the daughter are back from groundnut hawking. Falmata Modu gave her sympatheic story on food scarcity they have experienced, and further register her appreciation on behalf of her family to the JDPC/CRS for coming to their aid at the right moment.

She also said that the kind of assistance CRS/JDPC gave them is overwhelming as they are being giving options to select/choose the kind of food they want. Once more she thank the organizations for giving them live and hope.


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