
[section_tc][column_tc span=’12’][rev_slider alias=’3′][/rev_slider][/column_tc][/section_tc][section_tc section_title=’Mission & Vision’][column_tc span=’12’][service_box_tc type=’round’ link=’https://www.jdpcmaiduguri.org/mission-vision/’ target=’_self’]

MISSION STATEMENT[br_tc]A faith-based, non-profit organization guided by the Catholic Social Teachings, committed to enhancing the living standard of the less privileged, vulnerable and marginalized, and promotes peaceful co-existence in communities of Maiduguri diocese through timely, transparent, participatory and non-discriminatory developmental and humanitarian interventions, to ensure fullness of life for all.

[br_tc]VISION STATEMENT[br_tc]A well-structured and efficient Organization with initiative and creativity which is capable of leading the development of the marginalized, less privileged and underdeveloped community/people and responding promptly to emergency needs of the vulnerable in a transparent manner, within international best practices.


[/service_box_tc][/column_tc][/section_tc][section_tc section_title=’About us’][column_tc span=’6′ trigger_pt=’0′ duration=’1000′ delay=’0′][service_box_tc title=’HISTORY OF JUSTICE DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE COMMISSION MAIDUGURI DIOCESE’ type=’round’ link=’https://www.jdpcmaiduguri.org/history-of-justice-development-and-peace-commission-maiduguri-diocese/’ target=’_self’]

Justice Development and Peace Commission (JDPC Maiduguri diocese), [nbsp_tc][nbsp_tc]also known as Justice Development and Peace Initiative in Maiduguri Diocese, is a faith-based (Catholic) non-profit development and humanitarian organization. Being a Catholic organization it is guided by the Catholic Social Teachings. JDPC has a long history which can be trace to the biblical times…

[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’CORE VALUE’ type=’round’ link=’https://www.jdpcmaiduguri.org/core-value/’ target=’_self’]

hrough the JDPC the church wishes to operate in a more practical measure to concretize the social teaching of the Church on the issues of Development, Justice and Peace which are formulated into Principles of operation of the JDPC. These principles include:…

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Livelihood Programme[br_tc]Nutrition[br_tc]Women empowerment[br_tc]Relief and Emergency Assistance[br_tc]Peace Building Programme[br_tc]Rural and urban water supply, sanitation and hygiene…

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Technology Enabled Girls Ambassadors (TEGA) is a mobile application used by Girl Effect Nigeria for research and survey purpose using trained young girls to carry out the assigned activities. This trained young girls are referred as TEGAs.

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n the first year, 130 beneficiaries each in Yewa (Mubi South LGA), Muvur (Mubi North LGA) and Tampul communities (Askira/Uba LGA) received unconditional cash grants N133,500 in three (3) tranches to meet their food and other domestic needs during the lean season.

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meal project

M&E are understood as mechanisms which allow for the collection and assessment of data so as to provide feedback to project and programme managers, co-ordinators, organisations, civil societies and other stakeholders regarding the implementation and impact of a project or programme. M&E is not an abstract theory but rather a set of practical tools enabling policy-makers, project managers, co-ordinators and programme heads to know precisely in which direction they are heading.

[/service_box_tc][service_box_tc title=’OFDA’ type=’round’ link=’https://www.jdpcmaiduguri.org/ofda-project’ target=’_self’]

ofda project

IDP beneficiary farmers were trained on best agronomic practices on the production of field crops and home gardening. Demo gardens were also established in three communities of the intervention areas.
